Questions I asked Myself After Breakup

Sayantini Saha
2 min readSep 16, 2023

The first heart break bleeds a lot. The unseen blood tainted the whole body. Clash among the mind, body and heart makes you tedious.

Every one of us has gone through this. So, it’s not as rare as a philosopher’s stone. But who knows when you may feel the severe pain again, so it’s not as regular as air also.

Dying mentally is worser than dying physically. When the soul dies you lose yourself too. At a point in time, I was losing myself also. I couldn’t even decide or think the way I used to. I was puzzled enough to mark my decisions and afraid enough to get back to me.
I was asking myself repeatedly if I get lost among the sufferings, could I come back? If so depending on what?

The only question I was suffering through was: who are the people in my life whom I can call my people. Those people who can stand beside me without complaint and conditions.

Suffering felt like kneeling down on the ground and unable to accumulate the power to get up. I was feared and suffered enough to remember how to stand up again. And I was defeated enough to believe the possibility.

Mental Trauma does bleed physically. And that was my phase of realizing it.

But, time makes me realize that everyone and everything in this universe are my people, even a stranger. They or those are just mine according to them. And I can’t make anyone to be ‘my people’ the way I want them. They will be ‘my people’ the way they want to be.

This is a normal understanding; A common sense. But practicing this fact consciously is way tougher than suffering heartbreak.



Sayantini Saha

Combining story telling with science, cosmos, spirituality and inner child.